Three Twisted Knots

Tales of the Fae Lands

Dreams Are Private Myths

From Gwyneth:

I am not really back. I know I’ve been silent for a while, but things aren’t getting any better over in The Author’s corner, and since I’m the closest one of us to her, I pick up on all of it. Nathaniel and I have been spending our holiday on the Island of Callisto, where I’ve met new friends and, somewhat disturbingly, re-met some old ones. I’m beginning to feel my time there is coming to an end, although I’m not sure what I’ll do afterwards; coming back to Awenia means being all tangled up in The Author’s life once again, and who can say whether Awenia will even exist after all this is settled—assuming it ever gets settled.

But I’m having dreams again, and that’s either a good sign, or a bad sign: take your pick.

It begins with waking

I woke into a landscape I know I’ve visited before, but I couldn’t tell you where it is. All around me rose mists, petals fell from somewhere up above, and the columns were draped with dark streamers, wide as my arms.

Voices spoke to me through the mists: I heard Friðrós complaining about how she’s doing all the work whilst I’m away. I heard TAC saying that it’s not her job to do any of that. I heard Wulfrich making a new schedule with some of the guards. I heard Clutie complain that Brán has also taken off to parts unknown. And oddly, coming through with static and distortion, I heard a voice I thought might be Lira, whom we lost in the portal journey from the Faire earlier this year. She was talking about all kinds of things, including astronomical devices and falling onto pianos: that must really have been a dream voice, because I couldn’t think of a way it could be prophetic in any way.

I’m always wearing great clothes in my dreams!

Some people are mortified to find they’re naked in their dreams: I am always wearing amazing clothes in my dreams. I guess it’s just my nature? This turns out to be a gown from Solas Enchantment of Blue Moon Enterprises. My dream fashion sense had paired it with a collar from Amadeus, formerly Dreamcatcher, and it was a good choice. See how the blacks and golds complement each other perfectly? I’m sure my dream fashion sense meant for that to happen!

But enough about fashion…

I mean, obviously I’ll never really stop talking about fashion, but it was time to consider why my dream director had placed me on this long, curved staircase, alone, with no-one but the mist for company. From time to time, I could make out some different voices coming through the mists, and the only continually repeated phrase was, It is not yet time. Well, thanks, spooky aetheric voices: that was so helpful. Is there something going on with the future? Or am I just waiting for something in the future? Or is this my inner voice telling me that it’s not yet time to leave Callisto, no matter how uncomfortable it is to watch multiple beings who seem otherwise sane fawn over Lwyddbrynnos?

The view from the bottom…

Having finally reached the bottom of the stairs I’d been compelled to descend, I found… nothing. Not a thing. There was no box to open, no curtain to draw aside, just a great dark sky obscured by clouds.

I wonder what my purpose is, if I’m being called to stay a bit longer in Callisto. Perhaps I’m there to assist Valene with recovering her memories (and perhaps bring her to her senses a little). It could be something more subtle. I do not accept that I’m somehow there to make peace with Llwyd and his family; there’s too much water under that particular bridge for me to backtrack far enough. And the idea of backtracking makes me think of time again; I’ve not had to worry about time for, well, a long time. It turns out that I still find the concept of time stressful in the abstract.

Maybe my whole purpose in Callisto is to make trouble for Llwyd.

That could be it!

I mean, it certainly puts me in the mindset of my Back-Then self, just going around and making trouble for everyone. Hmm. Nathaniel will not approve.

Why does that make me want even more to make it my mission?

Myths are public dreams; Dreams are private myths

Joseph Campbell

Notes & Credits:

Sponsored Items:

  • Gwyneth’s breathtaking Gown: Blue Moon Enterprises, Lady Sorrell (Available at Engine Room!)
  • Gwyneth’s porcelain skin: Moth & Moon, Yvonne in T1 (Available at the Moth & Moon Main Store)

Other Fancy Stuff:

  • Gwyneth’s Stately Collar: Amadeus (formerly Dreamcatcher), Beatrice Collar
  • Gwyneth’s Expertly Coiffed Hair: S-Club, Jeanie
  • Gwyneth’s just-right Necklace: Antaya, Rosaline
  • Gwyneth’s golden lips: ADD Andel, Gold Lip Shimmer
  • Gwyneth’s perfect makeup: Hexumbra, Peyton eyeshadow and liners
  • Gwyneth is styled on a Maitreya Petite body and a Lelutka EvoX Gaia head. Her ear shape is attained through use of the Clover Lelutka Fantasy Ear Deformers.
  • Backrop: K&S, Dreamlike Space, Dark
  • Poses: All from Luane’s World “I Love My Gown” series

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About Me

Narrators Gwyneth, The Amazing Catwoman, Friðrós, Davi, and whoever else springs out of The Author’s head, live in the parallel universe of Second Life. You can read their stories here, or just scroll down to see what Gwyneth was wearing when she wrote it.

Gwen Enchanted is a story blogger, a fantasy fashion blogger, and a thoughtful in-world photographer.

Caution: contains poetry.