Three Twisted Knots

Tales of the Fae Lands

A Wishbox Realm

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A long time ago….

A long time ago, I had another Second Life avatar. I mean, OK, I am not without alts now, but my primary avatar is Gwen Enchanted, and I am rarely on any of the others except for specific role-play reasons.

But once upon a time, back in 2007 or so, I had a Second Life Avatar who was called Avalon Blessed. Through Avalon, I discovered SL, but when I got tired of it, I forgot I had a premium account and changed banks, so Linden Lab deleted her and her sizeable inventory, and I was very sad when I came back to SL. So many of the creators I love most in Second Life I discovered through Avalon as well: Analog Dog Hair; The White Armory; Evie’s Closet; and of course, Wishbox.

Wishbox?” I hear you saying. “Wow, I remember WishboxWisp Jinn used to make the most beautiful, whimsical stuff, still super good today, but she hasn’t put anything out in ages. Wonder what happened to her?”

I discovered Wishbox, as Avalon, at a little mediaeval faire somewhere in SL, and I can’t tell you where it was, or when it was, and I am pretty sure the faire doesn’t exist any more. But it was something like the Faery Crossing, or maybe one of the Elven Foresty type places. And I am lucky, so lucky, to be acquainted with the magical Dyisi Oppewall, who knows and has introduced me to some amazing people.

Last night, she IMed me to say she was wearing a new Wishbox dress. I think my response was something lyrical and poetic like, “OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!”

And then, magically, a few hours later, due to the crossing of Linden to mystical palm, I had my very own Realm.

So of course I wrote a story about it.

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My mum is the meanest witch in the forest.

My mum is the meanest witch in the forest. But today, for the first time, possibly because she has a terrible headache, she’s sending me in to town all by myself, to buy herbs for her potions. I have a list, and her little purse jingling with copper. Mum is very serious about the way I dress: I’m only allowed to wear certain, light “virginal” colours, and my upper arms must be covered, “because men see your heart there.” I don’t know where she gets this stuff.

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But today, I can be anyone I want to be.

But today, I can be anybody I want to be.

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A few yards away from the door, I change the dress to lavender purple, just to see if she’s still watching me.

A few yards away from the door, I change the dress to lavender purple, just to see if she’s still watching me.

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Nothing happens! She must have gone back to bed!

Nothing happens! She must have gone back to bed!

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I change the dress to pink and look back, just to make sure. No face in the window.

I change the dress to pink and look back, just to make sure. No face in the window. I’m safe!

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Suddenly I feel free! I grow bold, and I skip down the path she’s told me never to run on. And the dress becomes green.

Suddenly I feel free! I grow bold, and I skip down the path she’s told me never to run on. And the dress becomes green! Even the birds change colour. They are such nice birds!

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But really, red is much more daring! She’d hate this, my mum would!

But really, red is much more daring! She’d hate this, my mum would!

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I’m giddy with my small rebellion, and my hummingbirds feel it, too. I think they like being red.

I’m giddy with my small rebellion, and my hummingbirds feel it, too. I think they like being red!

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Soon, I come to the castle ruin, the one I’m not allowed to go into. “Giles! Giles, I shall address my people from atop the turret!”
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“Yes, yes, I mean it! Call them all! All the people must hear me!”

“Yes, yes, I mean it! Call them all! All the people must hear me!”

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“People of Gwynlandia! Behold your Queen! From this day forward, all young ladies shall be able to dress however they like, no matter what their mothers say!”

“People of Gwynlandia! Behold your Queen! From this day forward, all young ladies shall be able to dress however they like, no matter what their mothers say!”

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I know My Subjects were happy to hear this news. It makes me giggle. But now I shall have to hurry to get to the town before noon; mum will be cranky if I’m not back by teatime.

I know My Subjects were happy to hear the news. It makes me giggle. But now I shall have to hurry to get to the town before noon; mum will be cranky if I’m not back by teatime.

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For the first time, I feel a little anxious about going to town alone. A nice red lipstick will make it all better. And of course a floral print on the dress, which mum would say makes me look like a little tart. And forget the sleeves—I’m done with sleeves!

For the first time, I feel a little anxious about going to town alone. A nice red lipstick will make it all better. And of course a floral print on the dress, which mum would say makes me look like a little tart. And forget the sleeves—I’m done with sleeves!

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Despite the fact that mum would approve of this, I give the seedy pub on the edge of town a wide berth. But I have to stop to talk to the Harper Lady statue. She’s my favourite ever.

Despite the fact that mum would approve of this, I give the seedy pub on the edge of town a wide berth. But I have to stop to talk to the Harper Lady statue. She’s my favourite ever.

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And now I’ve gone out the forest gate and reached the town gate. It’s not locked, and the guard gives me a little wink. I think that makes the dress flowers turn blue. I think that’s why they turn blue.

And now I’ve gone through the forest gate and reached the town gate. It’s not locked, and the guard gives me a little wink. I think that makes the dress flowers turn blue. I think that’s why they turn blue.

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One day, I shall own a grand house in town, and I shall welcome visitors grandly, and I shall not mind what they are wearing, so long as they are happy wearing it!

One day, I shall own a grand house in town, and I shall welcome visitors grandly, and I shall not mind what they are wearing, so long as they are happy wearing it!

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“Welcome, welcome all ye, to my grand home in town! All things inside are grand and beautiful! Come inside and see!”

“Welcome, welcome all ye, to my grand home in town! All things inside are grand and beautiful! Come inside and see!”

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In the market, I try flirting with the baker’s boy, but it makes my whole dress turn red because I don’t know what to say. He smiles at me, though. Is it because of my bare arms?

In the market, I try flirting with the baker’s boy, but it makes my whole dress turn red, because I don’t know what to say. He smiles at me, though. Is it because of my bare arms?

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Finally, I arrive at the herbalist’s door, and I have to change the dress to brown so she won’t tell my mum I’ve been a tart. And I know my day’s adventure is over, because now I have to get the herbs and hurry home and make mum some tea and listen to her tell me all the things I should not have done in town. I won’t tell her how many of them I did!

Finally, I arrive at the herbalist’s door, and  have to change the dress to brown so she won’t tell my mum I’ve been a tart. And I know my day’s adventure is over, because now I have to get the herbs and hurry home and make mum some tea and listen to her tell me all the things I should not have done in town. I won’t tell her how many of them I did!

I cannot tell you how much I love this dress! It’s original mesh, fits beautifully to SL standard sizing, and the HUD to change all the colours works quickly and seamlessly. Wisp designed every bit of this herself, and she’s been working on this dress for a long time. Below, I’m going to give you some non-story bits and show you all the presets, plus the HUD for the dress. It’s amazing, well made, and very much worth the price, I promise. Yes, I paid for this dress. I would buy it again. I may buy it for friends, it’s so cool. If you are looking for something whimsical and wonderful, whether or not you remember Wishbox, I urge you to teleport to her store and take a look at this dress. There’s a demo you can try on, of course, and I hope she’ll soon have other things for you to discover.

Welcome back, Wisp.

Style Card:
Amazing Dress: Wishbox, Realm (Available NOW at the Wishbox Main Store!)
Body: Maitreya
Head: Catwa, Destiny
Ears: Logo, Expressive Elf Ears (with appliers from Lumae)
Eyes: Soul, Sidhe Eyes
Skin: Lumae, Eirtae Bare, T1
Hair:Emo-Tions, Michaela
Headdress & Hummingbirds: Cureless, Flower Kissers Tiara
Poses: All from Black Tulip, Forest Day and Lost in the Woods sets
Forest: Studio Skye, Enchanted Woods
Witch’s House: Trompe Loeil, Le Fay Cottage
Ruined Castle, Ionic, Runestone Castle
Pub: Death Row Designs, Dangarnon Pub
Harper Lady Statue: Death Row Designs, The Last Hope (one of only two)
Forest Gate: Sweet Revolutions, Sylvan Gate
Town Gate: Stormwood, Cobblestone Wall Kit
Fantasy Town: Death Row Designs, Andolys Fantasy Town
Skybox: (white-walled building) RageWorks: Converted Church SkyLoft

Spiffy photos taken with the indispensible aid of my LumiPro. I never build half-sim-sized sets and create a fantasy life for my primary rp character to photograph one amazing dress without it!


2 responses to “A Wishbox Realm”

  1. I am not the meanest witch in the forest! 😉 Love you! This is gorgeous. I need to get some of it.

    1. Hey, I never said that story was about *you* mum! Just that it was about *someone*’s mum, and someone happened to look remarkably like Gwyneth…. 😉

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About Me

Narrators Gwyneth, The Amazing Catwoman, Friðrós, Davi, and whoever else springs out of The Author’s head, live in the parallel universe of Second Life. You can read their stories here, or just scroll down to see what Gwyneth was wearing when she wrote it.

Gwen Enchanted is a story blogger, a fantasy fashion blogger, and a thoughtful in-world photographer.

Caution: contains poetry.